“They had me in a takedown a week or two ago. I got in a fight with a girl so they split us up and I spit on one of them. I have six sisters, one stepsister, two stepbrothers, and one real brother. Nobody visits me. I’ve been here three months. My mom does a lot of meth. My dad lives in xxxx and works for Babies ‘R’ Us. The first time I was here was for three months. I was in juvie for three weeks after being on the street. My mom started doing meth when her dad died. I’m here for disorderly conduct, false information—giving a fake name to a cop. I gave him my cousin’s name. I was in a car where the driver was driving crappy. We were driving in snow and he couldn't see the white lines. Yeah, he was on meth. I’ve been using since I was 15. I wasn't in any drug program on the outside. My dad moved out of the house. I ran away from my stepdad and my mom to some friends’ houses. They were like 15, 16, 17. They were drug dealers. They gave me a place to stay and all the meth and weed I wanted. I didn't go to school and I was on probation, so I had a bad UA. My two older sisters were in here as well. When they took me down I got tackled because I wasn't looking at the wall when I was supposed to be looking at the wall. The COs pick you up and put you in handcuffs. I was in Birch for five days. I was released two days ago. They only let you out to shower. I got to have a book there. I read Twilight. The girls in there were talking crap. I’m here, and I can go to the AA program and the NA program. You can stay in this program until you’re 25. I’m tough no matter what. If I wasn’t, these girls would walk all over me. I’m gang-affiliated, but I don't bang. I rep and I claim. I’m a very hungry person. I love to eat. I don't like the rain or the clouds. I’m scared to die. I like the color purple. The rain makes me sad or hungry. I’d like to go to Arizona, they can’t extradite me there.”
-L.N., age 17